MaxiComforter PR515-MLA Twilight Medium Large Lift Chair Recliner from Golden. Introducing the next generation of wellness positioning! The new PR515 Power Lift Chair comes standard with our PowerPillow and power lumbar support for even more comfort and positioning options. This luxurious power lift recliner features two incredible patents combining our extremely popular MaxiComfort Cloud™ positioning and Twilight Technology that provide superior comfort and quality found only at Golden. Achieve extreme Zero Gravity and TV positions while enjoying the world’s finest rejuvenating seating experience!
The MaxiComfort Cloud Power Lift Chair with Twilight positioning using our patented 5-motor cradle technology offers an array of rejuvenating options to ease the body and mind.
Our 30-degree angle takes the usual TV watching and Zero Gravity positions to a whole new level. Only Twilight offers a TRUE zero gravity sensation.
Our newly redesigned hand control includes a "Lights Out" backlight feature!